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If you live alone, you know what it's like to question how safe you are. There's always the thought lingering in the back of your mind that someone is waiting to break into your home. That's why you need home security. Keep reading for some home security tips that can protect you.
If you have a home alarm system, make sure all the wires are concealed. If a burglar wants to break into your home, he may cut any wires he sees before following through with his plan. Depending on where the wires are, hide them with plants, rocks or other natural looking items.
You do not necessarily need an expensive home security system to protect your home. You can buy a dog. Dogs are great for home security. Not only will they protect your home while you are away, they are great additions to your family offering protection, companionship and additional security for your home.
Make sure to hire a home security company with a good reputation in your community. Check references with your friends and neighbors, as well as institutions like the Better Business Bureau. Finding a company with a good reputation is important because you want to make sure your company will stand behind their security plan and promises.
Sit your family down and create a fire escape plan depending on what region of the house you are in. This is crucial, as it will serve as the quickest plan to leave the house safely and effectively in an emergency. Practice your plan with your family as these few hours can save lives.
When it comes to making your home more secure, one obvious place to start is at your front door. If you do not currently have a high-quality lockset on your door, get one installed now. If your lockset does not include a deadbolt, they are inexpensive and a effective way to add security to your exterior doors.
Add lights to your lawn. You don't need crazy bright spotlights to keep thieves away. All you need is some decent general lighting that makes your property just a little less appealing to criminals than homes that offer a lot more cover. You can even use lights on timers to help save on the overall electricity bill while still helping to keep you safe.
Lock up your home, even if you are around. Many people think that their neighborhood is the safest out there. They'll leave their doors unlocked all day (and night long) without a second thought! This is inviting trouble. Make it a habit to lock those doors (and windows) even if you're home. It's probably the most important basic thing you can do for your family's overall safety.
Purchase fire extinguishers for every room in your house in the event of an emergency. Also, make sure that you train everyone in the home on its usage, so that everyone in the family is capable. Putting out a fire as it is in its early stages can help save your home.
Do not place your spare keys under your mat or even in plant boxes. A key that is easily found is a convenience for a burglar, not just for you. Intruders know about the usual hiding spots. Instead, give your extra key to a neighbor whom you trust.
Just because you live alone, that doesn't mean that you have to feel unsafe. There are home security methods that you can use to protect yourself and take the fear out of your life. You shouldn't have to waste your time worrying about when the next burglar will strike. Use these tips and be at your safest.
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